Example of ongoing projects

Reforestation with Piriatí-Embera Community

– Partner: Small Grants Program, UN
– Country: Panama.
A group of young environmental enthusiasts of the Piriatí-Embera community started a project to regain their cultural legacy, the coexistence with the forest. We collaborated with them, providing training, reforestation works, and building their own tree-nursery.

Example of executed projects

Organic Fertilizer Project

– Partner: DEG. Futuro Forestal
– Country: Nicaragua.
We initiated a project for the production of Lobrihumos, using cow manure waste and Californian Red Worm. The project resulted in the creation of a collective with the participation of 8 mothers.

Example of executed projects

PeliBüey Program

– Partner: DEG.
– Country: Nicaragua
The Pelibüey sheep has hair instead of wool, and is thus perfectly adapted to tropical weather. This project involves several communities to whom we distributed a seed stock of 120 sheep in order to improve their diet, and generate income from the sale of surpluses. 12 collectives were created with 4 families in each one. 

Example of ongoing projects


– Partner: DEG/ICCO.
– Country: Nicaragua.
We structured a honey production project as a social business. Rural women are empowered to be active economic agents, and decision makers, generating a source of secure and growing income. Today this project is being restructured thanks to our partners from CEN (Centro del Entendimiento con la Naturaleza).

Example of executed projects

environmental education

– Country: Nicaragua.
– Partners: DEG, MED, UNAN-Leon.
Final year agroforestry students teach young people, children, and teachers techniques for the establishment, management and planting of forest, fruit and vegetable seedlings. This contributes to the improvement of Nicaragua’s dry forest, and improves food of schools and communities integrated in the program. Additionally, environmental awareness is created in the participants and their families.

Example of executed projects

reforesTAtion project to safeguard water supply.

– Partner: MiAmbiente (Panamanian Ministry of Environment).
– Country: Panama.
Together with 82 families of the local Ngäbe indigenous community, we reforested 120 Ha of deforested land, with a focus on safeguarding future water supply.

Want to fight climate change?

Please meet our sister organization The Generation Forest, a German cooperative with members from all over the world. Their goal is to create as much multi-income, bio-diverse, evergreen, eternal generation forests with a positive cash flow, as possible. 

Some of our esteemed partners


Would you like to become a project partner?

We are looking for partners who will support our projects for the long term. If you would like to join us and help to develop, improve and/or fund any of our current projects, please do not hesitate to contact us, using the contact form below. We can also structure your own forest project.

  • We are currently actively looking for global custodians for the Pan-American Greenbelt (Panamericana Verde). While local custodians maintain and protect the forests, global custodians fund the operations.
  • There is always a need for philanthropic projects, based on the Generation Forest concept, to enrich and protect important corridors, or perform landscaping to improve soil and water supply on, for example, indigenous land.
  • We would love to be your partner for your silviculture related scientific or research project. We welcome programs from NGOs, universities, and private enterprise alike. Our experience is at your service.

And please remember, if you are looking for Impact Investing, joining our sister organization The Generation Forest eG is probably a perfect fit for you. Click here to visit The Generation Forest cooperative’s website.

Contact us

We would love to hear from you !

If you have a question about one of our projects, are interested in partnering with us, or if you want to help us out volunteering, please use the contact form to the right to get in touch with us.


Fundación Bosque de Generaciones

    Want to fight Global warming?

    Interested in Impact Investing? Wanting to contribute in the fight against global warming? Visit our sister organization The Generation Forest, a German cooperative with members from all over the world. Together, we create as much multi-income, bio-diverse, evergreen, eternal generation forests with a positive cash flow, as possible.